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Managed Services

Services and support to maximise the value of your IT investment, optimise the ServiceNow platform, keep it updated and healthy, and help you effectively manage your various applications.

ValueFlow Managed Services provides turn-key process, advisory, training and technical support for your ServiceNow capability.

We’ll make sure the right ValueFlow people are aligned with your organisation to ensure your success, helping you optimise the value of, and deliver on the promise of, the ServiceNow platform. Your organisation will have a single point of contact, responsible for coordinating access to the right skills at the right time. ValueFlow creates a prioritised plan that aligns with your corporate objectives, creating engagement from the c-suite through the organisation to help drive program sponsorship, momentum and budget.
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An ongoing partnership that goes beyond advice and implementation to help your organisation effectively manage your ServiceNow solutions and applications.

An integrated framework to help effectively manage your ServiceNow solutions including unified support, security and threat management, and change management.

Our first contact resolution approach means around 95% of incidents or problems are resolved by the first ticket holder, helping eliminate time-consuming transitions and handover points, and our unified support includes Service Desk and the ValueFlow Customer Portal. Our team monitors all emergency and critical incidents, providing escalation management where visibility is required for support cases. ValueFlow experts provide security and threat management, support your change management process and identify opportunities to automate manual processes and incorporate project innovations into Managed Services.

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We’re standing by to help you transform your IT operations and achieve your business goals.

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